You can return an item for a refund within 30 days of delivery.  We offer two methods of returns:

  • You can receive a full refund in the form of online store credit.  If necessary, we’ll pick up the item.  With this option, returns are completely free - meaning we’ll cover the cost of return shipping.

  • You can also receive a refund of the purchase total in your original payment method - all you need to do is ship the item back to us.  Return credits are issued within 48 hours once the item is received and inspected.  Please note: with this option, you will be responsible for paying the carrier directly for return shipping costs.  

Items must be in new condition and in their original packaging to qualify for a refund.  If an item is being returned for warranty, the eligibility of that item must be in accordance with the claim procedure outlined in our warranty to determine whether the item qualifies to be returned, replaced or repaired.  Please refer to the 10-Year Limited Warranty for details.
